for students of all the things

PyCascades 2019

Chris Waigl

See Hyperbole and a Half

I'm an earth scientist.

Dirty secret: Scientists often write mediocre or outright bad code.

Alice Harpole: https://www.software.ac.uk/blog/2017-09-12-how-write-code-scientist

"I've regularly read papers describing exciting new codes, only to find that there are number of issues preventing me from looking at or using the code itself. The code is often not open source, which means I can’t download or use it. Code commonly has next to no documentation, so even if I can download it, it's very difficult to work out how it runs. There can be questionable approaches to testing with an overreliance on replicating "standard" results, but no unit tests exist to demonstrate that the individual parts of the code work as they should."

Bozhidar Bozhanov: https://techblog.bozho.net/the-astonishingly-low-quality-of-scientific-code/

"Scientists in general can’t write good code. They write code simply to achieve their immediate goal, and then either throw it away, or keep using it for themselves. They [...] don’t seem to be concerned with code quality, code coverage, API design. Not to mention scientific infrastructure, deployment on multiple servers, managing environment. These things are rarely done properly in the scientific community. "

Neil Saunders: https://nsaunders.wordpress.com/2014/05/14/this-is-why-code-written-by-scientists-gets-ugly/

"One answer: we begin with exploratory data analysis and never get around to cleaning it up. "


Teach scientists code organization, version control, software engineering practices

Hire dedicated scientific programmers

"It's all good, scientists need to make a mess!" NOT!

... ok, but ...

What about the quality of the code itself?

We can and should also work on writing better code.

Thinking about code through the lens of abstraction is going to help us.

Abstraction and mental chunking

(abstract != concrete)

Abstraction in the Python documentation

The Python Language Reference

Module documentation of urllib and ssl

The Programming FAQ warns of "excessive abstraction" (in the "performance" section).

(Note the notion of levels of abstraction.)

Basic abstraction-related example in student code.

                with open("data_file.json", "r") as read_file:
                    data = json.load(read_file)

                json_string = """
                    "dataset": {
                        "temp": 28.4,
                        "species": "Betula",
                        "datestamp": "2019-01-03 14:55:22"
                data = json.loads(json_string)

                >>> data['dataset']['temp']
                >>> data['dataset']['datestamp']
                '2019-01-03 14:55:22'

              >>> type(data['dataset']['datestamp'])

• Not a datestamp, or a datetime, but a string.

First encounters
with abstraction in Python

Duck typing is about abstraction

Let's quote the Python Language Reference again:

An object’s type determines the operations that the object supports

For example, iterating through a list.

Step 1: A beginner who writes this...

              mylist = [1, 5, 8, 2, 9]
              for ii in range(len(mylist)):

... thinks of a list as some sort of array with an index that can be incremented.

Step 2: When we teach her to write code like this ...

                mylist = [1, 5, 8, 2, 9]
                for element in mylist:

... we teach a different mental concept of a list: a list is composed of elements that can be accessed sequentially.

Step 3: Then we generalize: the concept is really about iterables:

                  myiterable = ... # could be list, set, tuple, string, dictionary ....
                  for element in myiterable:

Note: The consistency of Python becomes evident. Compare with MATLAB:

                  v = [1 5 8 17]
                  for element = v

Another example in Python: file-like objects.

Using the io module (StringIO and BytesIO we can treat strings as streams the same way as we do files: We can open and close them, read from them with buffer, write to them....

(Sockets and serial interfaces work very much the same way.)

Writing your own abstractions

... by writing functions:

  • How do you segment the processing flow into functions? (... and modules, packages...)
  • This is an expression of how you conceptualize your task
  • You can: Re-use. Pass around data. Hide implementation choices behind interfaces.

Abstraction for problem-solving

... by choosing your data representation:

  • What comes first, the data or the functions that handle the data?
  • The abstractions that represent data and the abstractions that represent programming steps will be developed iteratively, hand-in-hand.
  • Data representation means to decide what the objects are that your code is manipulating

Abstraction for reasoning about the overall shape of your problem

Tying it together

  • The transition to object-oriented design becomes natural
  • Many scientific Python users never write their own objects. But it becomes easy once we have clarified what our objects are, how they behave, and what operations are performed on them.

(And we have reached the point where we can talk about abstraction and encapsulation.)

Abstraction pitfalls

Abstractions leak.
Python abstractions leak quite a bit.

  • Error messages and exceptions may refer to underlying code that is at a deeper abstraction level
  • Objects are not watertight: myobject.__dict__ allows access to attributes under the hood.

Some Python gotchas are related to abstraction

The mutable default function argument gotcha.

Remember the warning about performance
from the Programming FAQ?

  • "Abstraction, simplicity, performance: choose two"
  • Scientific Python libraries to the rescue: They offer a wide choice of abstractions that are optimised for performance or expressiveness.

chryss    @chrys


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